Friday, June 17, 2011

Evidence 2 : Expensive HDB Flat

More expensive HDB flats may lead to more Singapore Home loans repayment.

The evidence is: Bishan maisonette could be most expensive HDB flat in Singapore! HDB flat that could fetch $1 million!! Well, it looks like prices are inching closer to that mark. At least for a choice unit in Bishan. A Singaporean couple, who own a rare Bishan executive maisonette with a roof terrace, have asked for a staggering $950,000 for the 1,860 sq ft flat, according to a Lianhe Zaobao article.

The HDB valuation for the unit is about $730,000. It was also reported that a buyer has offered $900,000 for the flat.

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Evidence 1 : Affordable HDB Flat

HDB flats are affordable and easier with shorter wait, higher income ceiling, more flats to choose from.

Despite growing public perception that the prices of new HDB flats are becoming exorbitant for first-time home buyers, PAP Housing Minister is adamant that they are still ‘affordable’ to the majority of Singaporeans.

He also lavished generous self-praise on the PAP regime’s efforts to keep housing ‘affordable’ to young couples.

The evidence is: Most buyers of new flats need to fork out little or no cash to pay for their homes.Eight in 10 couples who bought new flats last year used only a quarter or less of their salaries to service their home loans, which means their Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions can cover almost all their monthly mortgage payments.

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